W ho, what, where, why? Here you will find information about the site, as well as facts about me, the webmaster.
M agicae Animalis was born in 2024, when I wanted to make a website for myself. Like many people who once ran a website when it was popular, I was frustrated by how little imagination people today can use on their social media profiles. Customization is almost non-existent and for people like me, it limits my self-expression enormously. Even though social media profiles are effortless to navigate and work on any device, I still wanted my own little corner of the internet again that I could design completely myself.
Personally, I find it much more fun and enjoyable to update this site, even if it is a tedious manual task. It's more rewarding to have something you've done entirely by yourself. I encourage anyone interested in websites to try and build their own, it's always a pleasure to find nooks and crannies on the internet that are just like the webmasters themselves!
The website is hosted on Neocities, the domain is purchased from Namecheap and the guestbook is provided by Smartgb.com.
Here is a link to my Neocities profile.
The website has been created on 27.8.2024 and published on 1.9.2024.
Something I could tell you about myself... I'm an artistic creature from Northern Europe who loves all things fantasy, comics, animation, horror and mystery, to name a few. I also like video games, in fact all visual entertainment is close to my heart. One day I would like to illustrate books and make my own comic. Whether or not I get anything done remains to be seen!